Impacts of Residential-Commercial Land Use Conversion in Ibadan Municipality, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Oluwadara Latifat Isola-Muyideen
  • Paper ID: 1707300
  • Page: 778-790
  • Published Date: 28-02-2025
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 8 February-2025

This study was conducted in Ibadan Municipality of Oyo State, Nigeria with the aim of analyzing the various impacts of residential-commercial land use conversion within the City. Both primary and secondary sources of data were employed. Basically, a well construted questionnaire was administered on the occupants of the buildings along fourteen (14) selected roads in the study area. These selected roads entails three categories of roads (Trunk A, B, and C) that has experienced high level of residential-commercial land use conversion in the five Local Government Areas of Ibadan Muniicipality. Next was the selection of buildings that has been converted from residential use to commercial use. In so doing, seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-one (7,391) existing converted building were identified in the study area, out of which three hundrend and sixty-nine (369) buildings were sampled. This was done by selecting every 20th buildings after the first building has been randomly selected. The study revealed that increase in the conversion of residential land use to commercial land use has more positive economic impacts on the people, than social and cultural impacts. As for the physical and environmental impacts, more residential-commercial land use conversion will enhance more positive and negative impacts on the people and the environment of the study area. Also, two patterns of land use conversion detected in the study area were full and partial land use conversion patterns. While, partial land use conversion pattern has the highest proportion of 59.6% of the total land use converted. This study concluded that residential-commercial land use conversion is an unaviodable significant product of urban growth. Hence, the decision makers on land use development matters should involve ‘mixed land use’ in land use categories when planning for cities and towns.


Commercial, Ibadan Municipality, Land Use Conversion, Population Increase, Residential


IRE Journals:
Oluwadara Latifat Isola-Muyideen "Impacts of Residential-Commercial Land Use Conversion in Ibadan Municipality, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 8 2025 Page 778-790

Oluwadara Latifat Isola-Muyideen "Impacts of Residential-Commercial Land Use Conversion in Ibadan Municipality, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(8)