Problem Solving Orientation, Social Support, Self-Esteem, Intimate Partner Violence, and Postpartum Depression among Abused Adolescent Mothers in Gashua and Nguru Towns, Yobe State, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Mahmood Danasabe ; Doofan Wanan ; Suleiman Mohammed Saeed ; Ibrahim Zakariyya Liman
  • Paper ID: 1707252
  • Page: 695-709
  • Published Date: 27-02-2025
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 8 February-2025

Teenage pregnancy constitutes both physiological, social and public health problems that resulted into postpartum mood disorder. Research reveals that adult pregnancy is associated with postpartum depression. Intimate partner violence, poor problem-solving orientation predicts depression. Lack of self-esteem and poor social support predict postpartum depression across mixed studies. Study which combined all these factors together at the same time has not been extended among adolescent mothers in Nigeria. This cross-sectional study examined the relationship of these factors and postpartum depression among adolescent mothers. Using systematic random sampling, 75 (majority 14-19 years) teenage mothers from six weeks after childbirth were screened and used for this study. Participants from Gashua and Nguru local government areas completed a self-report questionnaire containing measures of postpartum depression, problem solving orientations, intimate partner violence, self-esteem, and social support. Regression analysis shows significant negative relationship between positive problem orientation, self-esteem, social support and postpartum depression. Positive significant relationship was found between negative problem orientation, intimate partner violence and postpartum depression. The result has implication to the policy maker in the federal and state ministry of health and educational health institutions, professionals across educational and clinical settings.


Intimate partner violence, Postpartum depression, Problem-solving orientation, Self-esteem and Social support


IRE Journals:
Mahmood Danasabe , Doofan Wanan , Suleiman Mohammed Saeed , Ibrahim Zakariyya Liman "Problem Solving Orientation, Social Support, Self-Esteem, Intimate Partner Violence, and Postpartum Depression among Abused Adolescent Mothers in Gashua and Nguru Towns, Yobe State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 8 2025 Page 695-709

Mahmood Danasabe , Doofan Wanan , Suleiman Mohammed Saeed , Ibrahim Zakariyya Liman "Problem Solving Orientation, Social Support, Self-Esteem, Intimate Partner Violence, and Postpartum Depression among Abused Adolescent Mothers in Gashua and Nguru Towns, Yobe State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(8)