The Role of Fintech Platforms in Expanding Access to Carbon Credit Markets
  • Author(s): Laxman Doddipatla ; Ramakrishna Ramadugu ; Judith Stone
  • Paper ID: 1707004
  • Page: 102-113
  • Published Date: 28-02-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 8 February-2021

Financial technologies integrated into the carbon credit marketplace can help improve access and efficiency, particularly for stakeholders in developing countries. Carbon markets, which are critical in climate change mitigation, have been plagued by high transaction costs, fragmentation, and limited access. Fintech platforms offer innovative technologies that solve these problems through the reduction of coordination costs, enhancement of transparency, and improvement in liquidity. The contribution of FinTech platforms in promoting access to these carbon credit markets is investigated in this paper through gauging their contribution with regard to small-scale projects in carbon, assessing how they are integrated with blockchain technology, and furthering the cause of financial inclusion. The paper illustrates, through case studies and analyses, how FinTech platforms can facilitate easier and inclusive participation in the carbon credit market. The paper considers the future trend, regulatory considerations, and how fintech could use carbon credits to change their face in emerging markets.


Carbon credit markets; financial technology platforms; blockchain technology; climate finance; financial inclusions; Carbon Sequestration; Sustainable Development; Environmental Impacts; Digital Finance; and Market Access


IRE Journals:
Laxman Doddipatla , Ramakrishna Ramadugu , Judith Stone "The Role of Fintech Platforms in Expanding Access to Carbon Credit Markets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 8 2021 Page 102-113

Laxman Doddipatla , Ramakrishna Ramadugu , Judith Stone "The Role of Fintech Platforms in Expanding Access to Carbon Credit Markets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(8)