Water is very essential for life functions and clean water is an absolute necessity for sanitation and hygiene. However so many lack the access to clean water for drinking and other domestic purposes thereby predisposing them to preventable water related diseases, infant mortality, absence from work owing to illness, economic loss, and general under development. The issue of climate change has also exacerbated water crises as this leads to flooding in some parts of the world and drought in others. This study was done to evaluate the accessibility to improved water sources for drinking in Bayelsa State. The study utilized the UNICEF/WHO approved survey questions for drinking water to elicit responses from 135 household heads drawn from both urban and rural areas of the state using cluster and random sampling. Data was analyzed using simple percentages. Results showed that 8.9% of the respondents drink from the nearby river, 24.4% of the people use river water for other domestic purposes. More Girls under the age of 15years (25%) have the responsibility of going to fetch water than the boys (2.2%). Results also showed that among the 88 households who treat their water, only 19 boil it, 25 add alum (Potassium aluminium sulphate), 19 use water filter while 25 allow the water stand and settle. It was also noticed that people who live in the rural areas use unimproved water source more. The study therefore recommends that government should endeavour to provide clean water for people and also there is need for health promotion and education for the people so that they can be cautious of their drinking water and only collect water from an improved source.
Clean Water, Survey, Household, Accessibility.
IRE Journals:
Priscilla Chidinma Ogbonna
"A Survey of Household Water Accessibility and Usage in Bayelsa State Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 7 2025 Page 737-745
Priscilla Chidinma Ogbonna
"A Survey of Household Water Accessibility and Usage in Bayelsa State Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(7)