Evaluation of Water Security in Ihovbor Community of Edo State, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Okonicha, Anthony Chukwuemeka ; Okwuanaso, Christopher Ikechukwu
  • Paper ID: 1706926
  • Page: 292-295
  • Published Date: 12-01-2025
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 7 January-2025

Water is indispensable to life, but many people do not have access to clean and safe drinking water leading to many waterborne bacterial infections. Potable water accessibility has become a major challenge in the Ihovbor community, of Uhunmwonde Local Government Area of Edo state. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 5 in 2015, adopted and recommended access to reliable and sustainable water for all. This development re-emphasized the importance of potable water in the lives of humans. Remarkably, access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities is a requirement for healthy living and success in the fight against hunger and poverty in rural communities. The Edo State Government and the entire Ihovbor community must work together in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal.5 for the communities. This vision of the United Nations can be achieved by strengthening the capacities of relevant agencies in the state Ministry of Water Resources to be more proactive in monitoring and ensuring effective compliance with water management policies. The study examined the conceptual classification of water resources in listed communities and it accessibility to the common citizen.


Sustainable water, Hunger, Potable Water, indispensable, United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, (SDG), Sanitation.


IRE Journals:
Okonicha, Anthony Chukwuemeka , Okwuanaso, Christopher Ikechukwu "Evaluation of Water Security in Ihovbor Community of Edo State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 7 2025 Page 292-295

Okonicha, Anthony Chukwuemeka , Okwuanaso, Christopher Ikechukwu "Evaluation of Water Security in Ihovbor Community of Edo State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(7)