Enhancing the financial inclusion of self-help groups (SHGs) has been made easier by digitization, especially in developing nations. This study examines how digitalization plays a critical role in enhancing SHGs' access to financial services, with a particular emphasis on programs like E-Shakti, Aajeevika, and Stree Nidhi. SHGs can increase member financial knowledge, improve transparency, and streamline operations by utilizing digital platforms. In order to evaluate the effects of digital technologies on SHG performance, financial behavior, and overall economic empowerment, the study examines a variety of case studies and empirical data. Results show that digitization closes the gap between SHGs and formal financial institutions while also enabling improved record-keeping and accountability. But there are still a lot of obstacles to overcome, such poor infrastructure, opposition to change, and digital literacy.
Digitization, Self-Help Groups, Financial Inclusion, Empowerment.
IRE Journals:
Ramya L P , Dr. Shripathi Kalluraya P
"Role of Digitization in Financial Inclusion of Self- Help Groups in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 7 2025 Page 217-223
Ramya L P , Dr. Shripathi Kalluraya P
"Role of Digitization in Financial Inclusion of Self- Help Groups in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(7)