Hand Gesture-Based Mouse Control System Using OpenCV and Media Pipe for Real-Time Interaction
  • Author(s): Veena Bhat ; Panchami B S
  • Paper ID: 1706805
  • Page: 862-867
  • Published Date: 30-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

The study presents a gesture-based interaction system designed for real-time mouse control using OpenCV and Mediapipe. This system uses hand gestures to provide an intuitive and contactless way to interact with computers, significantly enhancing user experience and accessibility for persons who struggle with conventional input devices like a mouse or keyboard. Utilizing a single webcam, the system continuously captures and monitors hand movements. These movements are handled through pattern recognition algorithms to accurately recognize specific gestures, with each recognized gesture corresponding to various computer actions, including mouse movement, clicks, and scrolling. The system is engineered for user-friendliness and efficiency, allowing users to navigate their computer screens effortlessly without physical contact. Results from the study highlight the practicality and effectiveness of employing hand gestures for basic computer control tasks, presenting a promising approach for hands-free interaction in both everyday and specialized computing scenarios.


Gesture Recognition, OpenCV, Mediapipe, Mouse Control, Human-Computer Interaction.


IRE Journals:
Veena Bhat , Panchami B S "Hand Gesture-Based Mouse Control System Using OpenCV and Media Pipe for Real-Time Interaction" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 862-867

Veena Bhat , Panchami B S "Hand Gesture-Based Mouse Control System Using OpenCV and Media Pipe for Real-Time Interaction" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)