The Role of Security Engineering in National Defense
  • Author(s): Adekola Adams ; Temitope Esther Lewis ; Olayinka Esther Abudu
  • Paper ID: 1706781
  • Page: 731-740
  • Published Date: 26-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

In a bid to shore up the national defense, the role of security engineering is too important to be downplayed. Developing and implementing comprehensive security systems protects crucial infrastructure, sensitive information, and operational capabilities. This paper looks to explore the meeting point of security engineering and national defense, highlighting its contributions to cyber defense, physical security, and intelligence systems. It assesses how the rules and principles that guide security engineering are utilized to design robust architectures that can bear both traditional and unconventional threats, such as cyberattacks, terrorism, and espionage. This research paper underscores the combination of advanced technologies, including blockchain technology and artificial intelligence into security engineering frameworks to improve the detection and prevention of threats and ultimately the response. In addition, it addresses the possible challenges of balancing innovation with ethical factors and resource limitations. Through thorough analyses, this study stresses the essential role of security engineering in successfully achieving a secure and adaptive national defense ecosystem, that can respond to advancing global security dynamics.


Global Security, Cyber Defense, Security Engineering, National Defense.


IRE Journals:
Adekola Adams , Temitope Esther Lewis , Olayinka Esther Abudu "The Role of Security Engineering in National Defense" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 731-740

Adekola Adams , Temitope Esther Lewis , Olayinka Esther Abudu "The Role of Security Engineering in National Defense" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)