The Study of the Core Values Application of PHirst Park Homes Inc. Employees and Its Implications to Their Individual Performances
  • Author(s): John Eric Carlos ; Noel Florencondia ; Christopher Ladignon
  • Paper ID: 1706733
  • Page: 467-472
  • Published Date: 23-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

This research entitled “The Study of the Core Values Application of PHirst Park Homes Inc. Employees and Its Implications to Their Individual Performances” aims to understand the extent of how employees of PHirst Park Homes Inc. understand and apply their company's core values in their day-to-day work activities and how those understanding and application affect the way they work. This study investigates whether employees who know the values well are more likely to act in ways that support them in terms of the attainment of individual and group objectives, and whether that has a positive impact on the company. This research investigates to prove that when employees understand and embrace the organization's core values, they are more likely to align their behaviors and work efforts with the company's overall goals. This study underscores the alignment of core values to the organizational objectives that fosters a stronger sense of purpose, motivation, and commitment of employees, ultimately leading to improved individual performance.


Core Values Application, Implications, Individual Performance


IRE Journals:
John Eric Carlos , Noel Florencondia , Christopher Ladignon "The Study of the Core Values Application of PHirst Park Homes Inc. Employees and Its Implications to Their Individual Performances" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 467-472

John Eric Carlos , Noel Florencondia , Christopher Ladignon "The Study of the Core Values Application of PHirst Park Homes Inc. Employees and Its Implications to Their Individual Performances" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)