This study investigates the impact of educational policy on school administration and student achievement in Nigeria. Drawing on data from school administrators, teachers, students, and policymakers, the research examines how policies, particularly those related to funding, curriculum standards, and teacher training, affect the day-to-day operations of schools and the academic performance of students. The findings suggest that while some policies have led to improvements, several issues, such as inconsistent policy implementation and inadequate funding, have hampered school effectiveness and student outcomes. The study recommends targeted reforms that address these gaps and promote better alignment between policy objectives and school realities.
Educational Policy, School Administration, Student Achievement, Nigeria, Policy Implementation, Teacher Training
IRE Journals:
Moses Obinna John , Umar Lawal Aliyu
"The Effect of Educational Policy on School Administration and Student Achievement in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 503-507
Moses Obinna John , Umar Lawal Aliyu
"The Effect of Educational Policy on School Administration and Student Achievement in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)