This study examines how school facilities affect student performance in Nigeria. It focuses on the importance of physical resources such as classrooms, libraries, and laboratories. The study uses data from surveys and interviews in various states. It shows differences in infrastructure between urban and rural schools and how these differences impact learning. The results highlight the need for policy changes to improve facilities, especially in areas that lack funding, in order to help students perform better and have more educational opportunities.
Educational Infrastructure, Academic Performance, Nigerian Schools, School Facilities, Rural-Urban Divide, Policy Intervention
IRE Journals:
Moses Obinna John , Umar Lawal Aliyu
"Educational Infrastructure and Its Impact on Academic Performance in Nigerian Schools" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 497-502
Moses Obinna John , Umar Lawal Aliyu
"Educational Infrastructure and Its Impact on Academic Performance in Nigerian Schools" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)