The Role of Rewards on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior in Finance Corporation in Cabanatuan City
  • Author(s): Agustin, Noel B. ; Cucio, Michelle Jean A. ; Joana Christina P. Cunanan
  • Paper ID: 1706669
  • Page: 317-327
  • Published Date: 20-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

This quantitative research investigates the impact of reward systems on employee satisfaction and organizational behavior within a finance corporation in Cabanatuan City. Data were gathered from 38 employees via structured surveys, which examined their demographic characteristics, the types of rewards provided by the organization, and the effects of these rewards on their satisfaction and behavior. The analysis revealed strong correlations between rewards and critical factors such as job satisfaction, employee engagement, team collaboration, and organizational commitment. The results indicate that monetary rewards, which are provided consistently to employees, are particularly effective in increasing job satisfaction and motivating performance. Rewards also play a crucial role in fostering positive organizational behaviors, such as heightened employee engagement, better teamwork, and stronger job performance. However, challenges remain in areas like reducing turnover intentions and enhancing work-life balance. Based on these findings, it is recommended that organizations adopt a well-rounded reward system that integrates monetary, non-monetary, and developmental rewards, along with initiatives such as flexible working options and wellness programs. These measures aim to sustain employee motivation, improve retention, and enhance overall organizational performance. The study provides valuable insights for finance corporations in Cabanatuan City, suggesting that a strategic and diversified approach to rewards can help optimize employee satisfaction and organizational success


Rewards, Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Behavior, Chi-Square Test, Finance Corporation


IRE Journals:
Agustin, Noel B. , Cucio, Michelle Jean A. , Joana Christina P. Cunanan "The Role of Rewards on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior in Finance Corporation in Cabanatuan City" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 317-327

Agustin, Noel B. , Cucio, Michelle Jean A. , Joana Christina P. Cunanan "The Role of Rewards on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior in Finance Corporation in Cabanatuan City" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)