A Study on the Proficiency of Civil Engineers as Procurement Engineers, BAC Secretariat and BAC Technical Working Group in Selected Offices of DPWH Regional Office IV-A
  • Author(s): Baivy Leen R. Mendoza ; Noel T. Florencondia ; Lorinda E Pascual
  • Paper ID: 1706665
  • Page: 295-306
  • Published Date: 20-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

This study assessed the proficiency levels, challenges, and factors contributing to the professional development of civil engineers in procurement roles, specifically as Procurement Engineers, BAC Secretariat members, and BAC Technical Working Group members within selected offices of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Regional Office IV-A. Using a quantitative descriptive research design, the study employed a survey instrument featuring a five-point Likert scale to collect data from 50 purposively selected respondents. The survey was divided into three sections focusing on proficiency, challenges, and developmental factors. The findings revealed that while civil engineers generally exhibit strong skills in compliance with procurement regulations and effective coordination, notable gaps persist in access to training, resource availability, and communication with stakeholders. Proficiency development was found to be significantly influenced by factors such as access to specialized training, mentorship opportunities, a supportive work environment, and performance recognition. Challenges included tight project timelines, resistance to new procurement strategies, and limited management support, which hinder optimal performance. To address these issues, the study recommends prioritizing targeted professional development programs for civil engineers. This includes regular workshops and mentorship initiatives to enhance technical expertise and decision-making capabilities in procurement processes. A structured system for recognizing performance improvements is also proposed to promote motivation and accountability among procurement professionals. The study provides important understandings for DPWH and similar organizations, emphasizing the need for holistic strategies that integrate technical skill-building, organizational support, and collaborative approaches to enhance the proficiency and effectiveness of engineers in procurement roles. These findings and recommendations aim to contribute to the improvement of infrastructure project delivery through better procurement practices.


Civil engineers/ Procurement roles / Professional development/ DPWH/ Proficiency enhancement


IRE Journals:
Baivy Leen R. Mendoza , Noel T. Florencondia , Lorinda E Pascual "A Study on the Proficiency of Civil Engineers as Procurement Engineers, BAC Secretariat and BAC Technical Working Group in Selected Offices of DPWH Regional Office IV-A" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 295-306

Baivy Leen R. Mendoza , Noel T. Florencondia , Lorinda E Pascual "A Study on the Proficiency of Civil Engineers as Procurement Engineers, BAC Secretariat and BAC Technical Working Group in Selected Offices of DPWH Regional Office IV-A" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)