Emerging Security Challenges in the Microservices Application
  • Author(s): Pushpalika Chatterjee
  • Paper ID: 1706559
  • Page: 461-470
  • Published Date: 29-02-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 8 February-2024

Software development has been redefined from monolithic systems to microservice architecture, which evolved to increase agility, scalability, and resilience. However, this software architecture paradigm introduces a novel class of security issues organizations must solve to protect their applications and data. By nature, microservices consist of many small components decoupled from one another, communicating through APIs, and so inherently grow the attack surface. API vulnerabilities, insecure container configuration, and insufficient authentication mechanisms are exposed threats to these distributed components and inter-service communication risks. This paper critically investigates the emerging security challenges in microservices applications by examining the root causes and the real-world implications of these vulnerabilities. Using case studies, academic research, and exclusive insights from the industry, the paper believes it can identify and weigh the impact of key areas of concern to organizations. Additionally, a multi-layered security framework implementing API rate limiting, container runtime monitoring, service mesh, and zero trust principles is proposed to overcome those risks. This complete analysis demonstrates the increasing significance of proactive security and that the old conventional monolithic security practices continuously fail to cater to the complexities of microservices. The results are actionable recommendations for practitioners and researchers in building more resilient and secure microservices applications. Overall, this research points to the importance of continuous innovation and, more importantly, collaboration in cybersecurity to counter dynamic cyber threats stemming from new software architectures.


Security of microservices, API vulnerabilities, containerization security, inter-service communication, and zero trust architecture.


IRE Journals:
Pushpalika Chatterjee "Emerging Security Challenges in the Microservices Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 8 2024 Page 461-470

Pushpalika Chatterjee "Emerging Security Challenges in the Microservices Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(8)