Physicochemical, Functional Properties and Drying Characteristics of Three Varieties of Cocoyam Flour
  • Author(s): Fidelis N Nebo ; I. Oluka
  • Paper ID: 1706393
  • Page: 308-318
  • Published Date: 18-10-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 4 October-2024

Physicochemical, functional properties and drying characteristics of three varieties of cocoyam (Ede Ugwuta, Ede Alo and Ede Ofe) were studied. The samples were washed, one part peeled and the other unpeeled. Both parts were sliced, dried at 70oC oven temperature, milled and sieved into flour using 45µm sieve mesh and packaged in polythene bags into six (6) samples for analysis. Result shows that; peeled cocoyam has moisture content range of 7.954-8.605% higher than that of unpeeled cocoyam with moisture content range of 7.756-8.069%. Ash content of the samples ranged from 3.235% – 6.073% with unpeeled Ede Ugwuta having the highest value of 6.073%. Unpeeled Ede Alo with 6.106% crude fibre has the highest value while Unpeeled Ede Ofe with 6.913% protein has the highest value. For proximate properties, unpeeled cocoyam has higher values than the peeled cocoyam samples though there was no significant difference p > 0.05 in the sample values. The bulk density of the samples ranges from 0.363– 0.452g/cm3 with peeled Ede Ugwuta having the highest value of 0.452g/cm3. Water absorption capacity of the samples ranged from 2.457–3.934g/g while oil absorption capacity value ranged from 2.336- 2.513g/g with peeled Ede Ugwuta having the highest value of 2.513g/g. The drying of cocoyam could be considered to be solely in the falling rate order, since the moisture content and drying rate steadily decreased with increase in drying time. Peeled Ede Ofe had the highest drying rate of 0.53%/min, while unpeeld Ede Ugwuta had the least drying rate of 0.28%/min.


Cocoyam flour; physicochemical; functional properties; drying characteristics; industrial application


IRE Journals:
Fidelis N Nebo , I. Oluka "Physicochemical, Functional Properties and Drying Characteristics of Three Varieties of Cocoyam Flour" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 4 2024 Page 308-318

Fidelis N Nebo , I. Oluka "Physicochemical, Functional Properties and Drying Characteristics of Three Varieties of Cocoyam Flour" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(4)