Content creators on YouTube social media are currently highly developed in various sectors, from automotive, entertainment, tourism, education, music, and movies to product reviews. Especially in the product review sector, many YouTube users are looking for information to add references, and information to consider before buying household electronics. This condition creates an opportunity to develop in the household electronic product review sector which is utilized by Haielektronik in meeting the needs of household electronic information on the Youtube social media platform. The process of increasing audience engagement is what this paper tries to describe using ideation theory to explain the creative content process to attract the attention and trust of the audience. This research uses a case study method with data collection through interviews, literature study, and observation. The study's results found that the ideation process in creating new creative ideas and the right way of packaging content can increase engagement on the Haielektronik YouTube channel.
Ideation, electronics; YouTube; engagement; content & reviews
IRE Journals:
Hendri , Muhamad Isnaini
"Ideation Process to Increase Engagement on YouTube Platform About Electronic Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 3 2024 Page 249-256
Hendri , Muhamad Isnaini
"Ideation Process to Increase Engagement on YouTube Platform About Electronic Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(3)