The main objective of this paper was to economic support measures effects towards COVID-19 management in Kilifi County. The study utilized a descriptive research design, targeting a population of 432 individuals, consisting of county and national government employees in Kilifi County involved in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used disproportionate stratified sampling and purposive sampling to sample 207 research participants. From the study it was established that majority of the respondents (29.7%), were health officer. Additionally, finding revealed that that most of the respondents (34.4%), had stayed in their current working position for a period between 5 years to 10 years. The findings as well indicated that most of the respondents 187 (98.02%) were aware and fully conversant with the measure that were formulated to curbCOVID-19. On average, the overall rating level on general COVID-19 management and response in Kilifi County was 82.4% (mean=4.12) with a standard deviation of 0.29 and a standard error of 0.01. Through linear regression the study concluded that Economic support had positive influence in management of COVID-19 in Kilifi County, Kenya.
Crisis management policy, Economic policy, mitigation
IRE Journals:
Faith Cherotich Namanga , Dr. Edna Moi , Dr. Hilda. F. Makhamara
"Government Capacity and Management of COVID-19 in Kilifi County, Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 3 2024 Page 343-351
Faith Cherotich Namanga , Dr. Edna Moi , Dr. Hilda. F. Makhamara
"Government Capacity and Management of COVID-19 in Kilifi County, Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(3)