Strategies Towards Holistic, Innovative and Practical Student-Assessment Methods in Adult and Continuing Education Institutions: A 21st Century Approach
  • Author(s): Oluwatobi Arikawe ; Michael Olumide Edwards-Fapohunda ; Paul Waite
  • Paper ID: 1706193
  • Page: 564-575
  • Published Date: 20-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2 August-2024

The aim of this research is to identify and assess approaches to designing qualitative, integrated, and realistic student assessment models that are understandable for 21st century AECE institutions. The study is relevant in the context of traditional assessment practices that ignore the complexity of learners' experiences and achievements. Thus, the research aims to contribute to the development and better understanding of new and more effective student assessment methods that are suitable for the identified educational environments and top-priority needs of adult learners. In this study, both types of methodologies, qualitative and quantitative, are used in a consecutive dual mixed-methods approach to derive influential data about student assessment practices in A&CE learning. The sources of data consist of a review of the relevant literature, questionnaires and interviews with educators and managers of educational institutions, as well as students, and documentation of case studies of institutions that practice new concepts for assessments. When survey data is received, it undergoes thematic analysis for qualitative data and statistical analysis for quantitative data. The study shows that the use of assessment models that focus on several facets of students’ performance is preferable to traditional models, for it allows to better assess the true results of the training of adult learners. Self-directed learning models, such as competency-based assessments and peer and digital portfolios, are some of the interventions that are presented as most appropriate for adult learning environments. Possible approaches are valued for their applicability in practical problems within and outside the classroom: practical problems, project-based assessments. Nevertheless, some of the difficulties with these strategies include inadequate support, resistance to change, inadequate resources, and the fact that educators may require professional development. The research outcome can be particularly useful for further developing student assessment in the field of adult and continuing education. It was concluded that educational institutions should pay more attention to the implementation of innovative and comprehensive types of assessment for adult learners and watch on the learning/assessment outcomes being meaningful, valid, and desirable for the learners. Educators should also undergo continued professional development to be able to implement and manage new styles of assessment, and practical/competency-based assessment should always be integrated into curricula.


Holistic Assessment, Innovative Assessment, Adult Education, Continuing Education, Competency-Based Assessment


IRE Journals:
Oluwatobi Arikawe , Michael Olumide Edwards-Fapohunda , Paul Waite "Strategies Towards Holistic, Innovative and Practical Student-Assessment Methods in Adult and Continuing Education Institutions: A 21st Century Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 564-575

Oluwatobi Arikawe , Michael Olumide Edwards-Fapohunda , Paul Waite "Strategies Towards Holistic, Innovative and Practical Student-Assessment Methods in Adult and Continuing Education Institutions: A 21st Century Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)