Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience with Cloud-Based ERP Systems
  • Author(s): Emmanuel Dapaah ; Gloria T Mapfaza ; Zahoor Ali Syed ; Tichaona Remias ; Munashe Naphtali Mupa
  • Paper ID: 1706114
  • Page: 106-128
  • Published Date: 07-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2 August-2024

This paper investigates the role of cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in enhancing supply chain resilience from both administrative and technical perspectives. Supply chain resilience, defined as the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to disruptions while maintaining operational continuity, has become increasingly critical in today's volatile global economy. Traditional supply chain management methods, reliant on static models and manual processes, lack the adaptability needed to handle modern complexities and disruptions, such as those highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cloud-based ERP systems offer significant advantages over traditional on-premise ERP systems, including greater scalability, flexibility, and real-time data access. These systems integrate various business processes into a unified platform, improving decision-making, coordination, and efficiency across the supply chain. The paper explores key components of supply chain resilience—flexibility, agility, and robustness—and how cloud-based ERP systems enhance these attributes through advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain. The administrative perspective emphasizes strategic benefits such as improved decision-making capabilities, reduced upfront and maintenance costs, and enhanced collaboration among supply chain partners. Technical perspectives focus on the integration of cloud infrastructure with ERP functionalities, ensuring efficient data management and robust security measures. Customization and scalability of cloud-based ERP systems allow organizations to tailor functionalities to their specific needs and dynamically adjust resources based on demand. Through case studies from various industries, the paper illustrates successful implementations of cloud-based ERP systems that have mitigated risks and improved resilience. These case studies highlight the practical benefits of real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and enhanced communication and collaboration facilitated by cloud-based ERP systems. The paper concludes with recommendations for businesses seeking to enhance their supply chain resilience through the adoption of cloud-based ERP systems and suggests future research directions in refining ERP assessment tools and leveraging advancements in data analytics and AI for improved resilience and reporting.


IRE Journals:
Emmanuel Dapaah , Gloria T Mapfaza , Zahoor Ali Syed , Tichaona Remias , Munashe Naphtali Mupa "Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience with Cloud-Based ERP Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 106-128

Emmanuel Dapaah , Gloria T Mapfaza , Zahoor Ali Syed , Tichaona Remias , Munashe Naphtali Mupa "Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience with Cloud-Based ERP Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)