Enhancing Learning Outcomes: Lesson Planning, Assessment Tools Development, and Higher-order Thinking Skills Integration Analysis
  • Author(s): Jolly Mariacos ; Joselyn A. Alicwadey ; Charlyn P. Banaken; Pacita E. Gawaen ; Lembert C. Lagawid; Philip Jr. T. Napaldet ; Fe M. Togmey; Emelita C. Pis-oyen; Marilou A. Dela Peña
  • Paper ID: 1706107
  • Page: 59-73
  • Published Date: 03-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2 August-2024

This research explored teachers’ approaches to lesson planning, examined how teachers design assessment tools and investigated how teachers incorporate higher-order thinking skills to enhance learning outcomes. The research design of this study was qualitative. This study discovered teachers' approaches to lesson planning, developed assessment tools, and HOT integration in teaching through interview and document analysis. The main findings of this study are; that the approach in lesson planning was geared towards the attainment of learning objectives and ensure to meet the learning needs of all the students; the assessment tools developed or adapted by teachers to assess higher-order thinking skills among students are peer assessment, performance task that require students to demonstrate their understanding through practical application simulation, role plays, creative projects, accomplishing the force field analysis where they have to identify and defend the driving force and restraining force of a certain community project, and encouraging students to give their reflections or insights after every lesson. The key challenges include student resistance, limited time and resources, poor comprehension skills, and teachers’ difficulty on formulating effective HOTS questions. To address these challenges, teachers have implemented a range of strategies. The findings suggest that a holistic approach, which includes well-designed lesson plans, effective assessment tools, and deliberate integration of HOTS, significantly enhances learning outcomes. The study concludes with recommendations for educators and policymakers to implement these strategies to foster an environment that supports deep learning and critical thinking. This research contributes to the field of education by providing actionable insights and practical guidelines for improving teaching practices and student achievement through a structured and comprehensive approach to lesson planning, assessment, and the integration of higher-order thinking skills.


Integration, Assessment Tool, Lesson Planning, Higher-Order Thinking, Approach


IRE Journals:
Jolly Mariacos , Joselyn A. Alicwadey , Charlyn P. Banaken; Pacita E. Gawaen , Lembert C. Lagawid; Philip Jr. T. Napaldet , Fe M. Togmey; Emelita C. Pis-oyen; Marilou A. Dela Peña "Enhancing Learning Outcomes: Lesson Planning, Assessment Tools Development, and Higher-order Thinking Skills Integration Analysis" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 59-73

Jolly Mariacos , Joselyn A. Alicwadey , Charlyn P. Banaken; Pacita E. Gawaen , Lembert C. Lagawid; Philip Jr. T. Napaldet , Fe M. Togmey; Emelita C. Pis-oyen; Marilou A. Dela Peña "Enhancing Learning Outcomes: Lesson Planning, Assessment Tools Development, and Higher-order Thinking Skills Integration Analysis" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)