Maximizing Energy Efficiency: An In-depth Analysis of the Feasibility of Integrating Solar Power Grid at Wesleyan University-Philippines
  • Author(s): Leo Mallari Ramos ; Jayson Paul V. Vicencio ; Charles Trebor Fausto ; Joefil C. Jocson
  • Paper ID: 1706070
  • Page: 336-340
  • Published Date: 25-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 1 July-2024

This study aims to assess and analyze the feasibility of fully implementing a solar power grid at Wesleyan University-Philippines. Utilizing a descriptive-comparative research approach, the study details the current partial implementation of the solar power grid at the university and its impact on power consumption, analyzing this data to evaluate the feasibility of full implementation. The existing implementation is a 202.4 KWp Grid-Tied Solar PV System, divided into three systems, generating energy ranging from 12,212.01 KWh to 30,804.08 KWh. This results in a 39.93% energy savings compared to the absence of a solar grid. With the current implementation, monthly savings of Php 131,719.90 indicate that it will take approximately 227 months to recover the investment. After the 120-month repayment period, a balance of Php 14,062,624.57 will remain on the loan. Conversely, full implementation would allow the investment to be recouped in about 87 months, and after the 120-month repayment period, the loan would be fully paid off, yielding a profit of Php 12,966,493.90. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that the Solar PV System implemented at Wesleyan University-Philippines is a sound investment in terms of sustainable energy efficiency and economic viability.


Solar PV System, Energy Savings, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Sustainable Development


IRE Journals:
Leo Mallari Ramos , Jayson Paul V. Vicencio , Charles Trebor Fausto , Joefil C. Jocson "Maximizing Energy Efficiency: An In-depth Analysis of the Feasibility of Integrating Solar Power Grid at Wesleyan University-Philippines" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 1 2024 Page 336-340

Leo Mallari Ramos , Jayson Paul V. Vicencio , Charles Trebor Fausto , Joefil C. Jocson "Maximizing Energy Efficiency: An In-depth Analysis of the Feasibility of Integrating Solar Power Grid at Wesleyan University-Philippines" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(1)