Variation of Fuel Consumption with PID Controller Tuning in Turbofan Engine System Using Simulation Approach
  • Author(s): Ibezim Joseph M ; Iwueze Ifeanyi M ; Efosa Obaseki ; Akinyemi Gray Patience ; Ewurum Tennison I
  • Paper ID: 1706040
  • Page: 298-303
  • Published Date: 23-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 1 July-2024

The study, variation of fuel consumption with PID controller tuning in turbofan engine system using simulation approach was successfully carried out. Two (2) dimensional turbofan engine system block model was created using simulink in MATLAB (R2015a).The model blocks were connected such that the PID has direct contact with engine system actuator and throttle position controller. Initial values of the system without tuning of PID controller were response time, proportional, integral, derivative, filter coefficient, frequency and phase angle corresponding to 0.7962 seconds 0, -1, 0, 100, 100rad/s and 0.5 degree respectively. Simulation was run for 10 seconds using Ode23t; as solver due to the need for high precision tolerance. The same simulation process was repeated with PID controller tuned with the response time, proportional, integral, derivative, filter coefficient, frequency and phase angle corresponding to 2 seconds 10, -2, 10, 100, 100rad/s and 0.5 degree respectively. Results showed that the time at which sharp changes occurred in fuel consumption of the engine system was found to be 5 seconds, within transient region. Fuel consumption at normal or un-tuned position of PID controller was found to 0.018 kg/s within response time of 0.7962 seconds of the engine system but decreases to minimum value of 0.005kg/s at the end of simulation time of 10 seconds. Similarly, Fuel consumption at tuned position of PID controller was found to 0.146 kg/s within response time of the engine operation but decreases to minimum value of 0.018kg/s with great stability at the end of simulation time of 10 seconds. The findings suggested the ability of PID controller tuning in decreasing and stabilizing both fuel consumption and propulsive thrust in a turbofan engine system.


PID tuning, fuel consumption, Simulation, Turbofan engine system


IRE Journals:
Ibezim Joseph M , Iwueze Ifeanyi M , Efosa Obaseki , Akinyemi Gray Patience , Ewurum Tennison I "Variation of Fuel Consumption with PID Controller Tuning in Turbofan Engine System Using Simulation Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 1 2024 Page 298-303

Ibezim Joseph M , Iwueze Ifeanyi M , Efosa Obaseki , Akinyemi Gray Patience , Ewurum Tennison I "Variation of Fuel Consumption with PID Controller Tuning in Turbofan Engine System Using Simulation Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(1)