Time Series Analysis in Customer Support Systems: Forecasting Support Ticket Volume
  • Author(s): Vamsi Katragadda
  • Paper ID: 1706030
  • Page: 111-115
  • Published Date: 10-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 7 January-2021

This comprehensive technical journal entry delves into the application of time series analysis techniques in customer support systems, with a specific focus on forecasting support ticket volume. The ability to accurately predict customer support workload is crucial for organizations to optimize resource allocation, improve response times, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. This study examines a range of methodologies, from traditional statistical approaches to advanced machine learning techniques, and their effectiveness in analyzing historical support data and generating reliable forecasts. We begin by exploring the fundamental components of time series data in the context of customer support, including trends, seasonality, cyclical patterns, and irregular fluctuations. The journal then provides an in-depth analysis of various forecasting techniques, including Moving Average (MA) models, Exponential Smoothing methods, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models, Facebook's Prophet algorithm, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks. For each technique, we discuss its theoretical underpinnings, practical implementation considerations, and relative strengths and weaknesses in the context of support ticket forecasting. A detailed case study is presented, demonstrating the application of an ARIMA model to forecast weekly support ticket volume for a software company. This case study illustrates the entire process from data preparation and exploratory data analysis to model selection, fitting, and evaluation, providing readers with a practical roadmap for implementing these techniques in their own organizations.Furthermore, this journal entry addresses the challenges inherent in support ticket forecasting, such as handling sudden pattern changes, incorporating multivariate data, and balancing model complexity with interpretability. We also explore future directions in the field, including the potential of hybrid models, transfer learning applications, and the integration of natural language processing techniques to enhance forecast accuracy. By synthesizing theoretical concepts, practical implementation guidance, and forward-looking insights, this technical journal entry serves as a comprehensive resource for data scientists, customer support managers, and business analysts seeking to leverage time series analysis for improved customer support operations. The insights and methodologies discussed herein have broad applicability across various industries and can significantly contribute to data-driven decision-making in customer service contexts.


Ethical AI, Forecasting, Customer Support AI, Governance, AI Customer Support


IRE Journals:
Vamsi Katragadda "Time Series Analysis in Customer Support Systems: Forecasting Support Ticket Volume" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 7 2021 Page 111-115

Vamsi Katragadda "Time Series Analysis in Customer Support Systems: Forecasting Support Ticket Volume" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(7)