The Role of E-Administration in Enhancing Time Efficiency in Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria Post-COVID-19
  • Author(s): Ilawagbon, Osas-Osayomwanbor ; Mustapha, Adesoye Isiaka
  • Paper ID: 1705980
  • Page: 445-457
  • Published Date: 03-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

E-administration solves several issues with conventional bureaucratic methods, and its application is essential to modern governance; the increase in time efficiency is one important benefit. E-administration shortens the time needed to perform and provide public services by automating repetitive processes. In the Nigerian Federal Civil Service, where protracted bureaucratic procedures have traditionally impeded service delivery, this efficiency is especially crucial and it is being targeted through the deployment of e-administration in the civil service procedures since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this paper is an exploration of impacts of e-administration in achieving time efficiency in service delivery by the Federal Civil Service in Nigeria. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its theoretical framework, the paper discussed how e-administration impacts time efficiency in Nigeria's Federal Civil Service delivery following the COVID-19 outbreak. The paper adopted a qualitative and analytical approach using data from secondary sources which included government records, journals and online resources. This paper emphasized how digital solutions enhanced the replacement of manual, paper-based processes in the Federal Civil Service after Covid 19. It further revealed how time efficiency in the delivery of public services has improved because of e-administration. Citizens now receive more dependable services as a result of digital platforms' ability to handle documents, execute tasks and run online applications more quickly. The paper however identified enduring difficulties associated with the adoption of e-administration in the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria. The shortcomings include unequal access to e-administration which has inspired huge digital divide between urban centers and rural areas where public service deliveries are equally needed. Another challenged identified is associated with reluctance to change as many personnel in the civil service lack the inspiration to acquire digital skills. The paper also considered publicly expressed worries about data security as a limitation. The paper concluded that digital service integration should be standardized across public service systems and departments and address digital infrastructural deficit that would ensure cut edge access to internet and digital tools including in the rural areas, so that the objective of achieving time efficiency in service delivery through e-administration could be optimally realized.


Administrative Processes, Digital Transformation, E-Administration, Federal Civil Service, Implementation Impact, Nigeria, Post-COVID-19, Public Service Delivery, Service Delivery Methods, Time Efficiency


IRE Journals:
Ilawagbon, Osas-Osayomwanbor , Mustapha, Adesoye Isiaka "The Role of E-Administration in Enhancing Time Efficiency in Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria Post-COVID-19" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 445-457

Ilawagbon, Osas-Osayomwanbor , Mustapha, Adesoye Isiaka "The Role of E-Administration in Enhancing Time Efficiency in Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria Post-COVID-19" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)