Guava and Bilimbi Leaves Extract as an Active Ingredient for Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap
  • Author(s): Baluarte, Jennifer D. ; Feir, Kathleen C. ; Ignacio, Jennifer Mae ; Pasiol, Sophia Anne M.; Trinilla, Ma. Gabrielle M. ; Saludez, Trischia Mae A.; Mary Jane E. Alba, RMT, MAEd
  • Paper ID: 1705953
  • Page: 319-330
  • Published Date: 22-06-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

This research study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Psidium guajava extracts individually and in combination for formulating antibacterial liquid soap. Three sets of liquid soap formulations were tested, including 50% bilimbi extract and 50% guava extract, 100% bilimbi extract, and 100% guava extract. The assessment focused on pH values, foam retention capacity, color, and odor of the formulated liquid soaps. All formulations met the required pH level for liquid soap and demonstrated superior foam retention capacity compared to commercially available alternatives. The liquid soap prototypes exhibited an appealing planter green color and a pleasant odor characterized by a fresh and musky fragrance, further enriched by the addition of lavender essential oil. Significantly, the liquid soap containing the combined guava and bilimbi extract displayed remarkable antibacterial properties against both E. coli and S. aureus, surpassing the effectiveness of commercial liquid soaps. While bilimbi extract alone did not exhibit antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria, its combination with guava extract exhibited potential improvements in efficacy against E.coli and S.aureus The statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test revealed statistically significant differences between the tested concentrations. For E. coli, the p-value was 0.0310, and for S. aureus, the p-value was 0.0200, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis for both bacteria.


Antibacterial activity, Averrhoa bilimbi, disk diffusion, extract, foam retention, pH, Psidium guajava, zone of inhibition


IRE Journals:
Baluarte, Jennifer D. , Feir, Kathleen C. , Ignacio, Jennifer Mae , Pasiol, Sophia Anne M.; Trinilla, Ma. Gabrielle M. , Saludez, Trischia Mae A.; Mary Jane E. Alba, RMT, MAEd "Guava and Bilimbi Leaves Extract as an Active Ingredient for Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 319-330

Baluarte, Jennifer D. , Feir, Kathleen C. , Ignacio, Jennifer Mae , Pasiol, Sophia Anne M.; Trinilla, Ma. Gabrielle M. , Saludez, Trischia Mae A.; Mary Jane E. Alba, RMT, MAEd "Guava and Bilimbi Leaves Extract as an Active Ingredient for Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)