Challenges and Coping Strategies of Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Author(s): Kristine Macaraeg ; Alyssa Ashley R. Diego ; Freda B. Lopez
  • Paper ID: 1705941
  • Page: 239-252
  • Published Date: 18-06-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

This study entitled “Challenges and Coping Strategies of Nurses During the Covid-19 Pandemic” described the challenges and strategies faced by the nurses in home health setting during the pandemic. The study aimed to test the significant relationship and significant differences between the challenges level encountered by the respondents and their profile variables as well as to propose programs based on the results of the study. The researcher used descriptive method of research. The subjects of the study are 30 nurses who were working in home health across Western and Central Pangasinan. The primary instrument used in this study was a checklist questionnaire and used various methods such as frequency and percentage, average weighted mean, Pearson correlational, t-test and ANOVA in analyzing data. Based on the findings, majority of the participants are aged thirty-one to thirty-five, female, married, BSN graduate, has a highest paid salary, works more than a year and has training. Additionally, the study shows that nurses encountered physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges while caring for patients in a home health setting during the pandemic. The researcher recommended a program that may benefit nurses in handling challenges and coping strategies to prepare them.


Challenges, COVID-19, Home Health, Nurses, Strategies


IRE Journals:
Kristine Macaraeg , Alyssa Ashley R. Diego , Freda B. Lopez "Challenges and Coping Strategies of Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 239-252

Kristine Macaraeg , Alyssa Ashley R. Diego , Freda B. Lopez "Challenges and Coping Strategies of Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)