Limiting Factors for Youth Political Participation and the Challenges of Leadership and Governance in Nigeria: An Appraisal
  • Author(s): Nnubia, Chimezie Modestus ; Ajisebiyawo, Adekunle Saheed
  • Paper ID: 1705938
  • Page: 260-271
  • Published Date: 18-06-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

Any society's success and sustainability depend on the involvement of youth in governance and policymaking. Nigerian youth have historically been marginalized and exploited in the political system since the country's independence. To investigate youth political engagement and the possibility of a leadership gap in Nigeria, this paper used a content analysis methodology. By applying a methodical approach to the interpretation of textual material, content analysis enables a thorough investigation of the themes and patterns present in the content. Various sources, including scholarly articles, government studies, policy documents, and media articles, provided the data for this investigation. The materials that covered youth leadership, political engagement, and related policies in Nigeria were the main focus. These resources offered a wide-ranging viewpoint on the condition of young people's participation in politics and government today. Also, the dynamics of youth participation and leadership gap in Nigeria was theoretically viewed from the point of view of Political Participation Theory. The paper observed that, in the past, elderly members with deep political clout have often ignored Nigerian youth, relegating them to supporting positions and using them as props for activism. It found that due to economic obstacles like high unemployment and the high expense of running for office, young people have become widely disillusioned and disengaged as a result. Youth engagement is further limited by cultural norms that support elder authority and a lack of political education. Although age limits for political office have decreased due to initiatives like the #NotTooYoungToRun campaign, there is still very little youth representation. Youth lacking in leadership experience stagnation and ineffectual policies that do not meet the requirements of the younger generation as a result of their exclusion from significant political responsibilities. Including young people in governance opens up new ideas and is likely to lead to policies that prioritize social justice, education reform, and job creation. Moreover, youth involvement combats political indifference and institutional mistrust by fostering civic engagement, accountability, and the growth of democratic values. However, this paper recommended that to minimize the danger of a leadership deficit and to fully utilize the potential of Nigerian youth to propel sustainable development and efficient government, it is imperative to address the obstacles preventing young people from participating in politics.


Civic Engagement, Economic Barriers, Governance, Leadership Deficit, Marginalization, Political Participation, Unemployment, Youth Representation


IRE Journals:
Nnubia, Chimezie Modestus , Ajisebiyawo, Adekunle Saheed "Limiting Factors for Youth Political Participation and the Challenges of Leadership and Governance in Nigeria: An Appraisal" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 260-271

Nnubia, Chimezie Modestus , Ajisebiyawo, Adekunle Saheed "Limiting Factors for Youth Political Participation and the Challenges of Leadership and Governance in Nigeria: An Appraisal" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)