Daylighting Strategies for Optimal Visual Comfort in Conference Centers
  • Author(s): Ozoh, Makuachukwu Obiora ; Adibe Nkeiruka O.
  • Paper ID: 1705913
  • Page: 499-504
  • Published Date: 13-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

Daylighting plays a crucial role in creating comfortable and productive environments within conference centers. This paper delves into a comparative study of various daylighting strategies, analyzing their effectiveness in achieving optimal visual comfort for conference attendees. The study investigates sidelighting, toplighting, and clerestory windows, evaluating their impact on factors such as glare, daylight distribution, and user satisfaction. The study investigates the inherent advantages and challenges of each strategy. Sidelighting, with its connection to the external environment and potential for diffuse daylight, can enhance occupant wellbeing but poses risks of glare and uneven illumination. Toplighting offers uniform daylight distribution and deep penetration but necessitates careful consideration of heat gain and glare control. Clerestory windows, positioned above eye level, effectively mitigate glare while introducing daylight deeper into the space, yet they lack exterior views and present maintenance challenges. The analysis delves into the effectiveness of each strategy in glare control, daylight distribution, user satisfaction, and energy efficiency. Findings highlight the importance of considering factors such as room geometry, orientation, climate, and specific conference activities when selecting and implementing daylighting solutions. This study provides indepth and valuable insights for creating conference centers that prioritize occupant wellbeing and environmental sustainability. By understanding the nuances of each daylighting strategy, designers can make informed decisions to achieve optimal visual comfort, enhance the conference experience, and contribute to a more sustainable built environment.


Daylighting, visual comfort, conference centers, sidelighting, toplighting, clerestory windows, glare, daylight distribution, user satisfaction


IRE Journals:
Ozoh, Makuachukwu Obiora , Adibe Nkeiruka O. "Daylighting Strategies for Optimal Visual Comfort in Conference Centers" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 499-504

Ozoh, Makuachukwu Obiora , Adibe Nkeiruka O. "Daylighting Strategies for Optimal Visual Comfort in Conference Centers" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)