Labor Shortage Management in Construction Projects within Central and Northern Aurora
  • Author(s): Jim Ryan T. Dela Peña ; Jerick L. Tangson ; Rick Donald Manzon ; Christopher M. Ladignon ; Noel T. Florencondia, Ph.D.
  • Paper ID: 1705798
  • Page: 314-327
  • Published Date: 15-05-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 11 May-2024

Construction workers contribute significantly to the execution and erection of all structures, including residences, public buildings, industrial buildings, highways, and bridges. Perhaps construction workers are labeled as skilled or unskilled. They both play crucial roles since completing a building project necessitates the participation of a diverse group of personnel. However, when the world's construction industry struggled during the 2008 financial crisis, the demand for skilled and unskilled manual workers increased (Ceric & Ivic, 2020). Determining the labor shortage of expert and unskilled labor in various construction projects is advantageous. It will give significance to the construction industry of what areas skilled workers have a labor shortage and provide reliable information in determining the shortage of unskilled labor within areas of consideration. In this study, the researchers selected a hundred construction projects within Central and Northern Aurora, Philippines - encompassing Project Engineers, Site Engineers, and Foremen working either on private or government construction projects. The researchers focused on the labor shortage in the construction industry with the goals of determining the degree of shortage in different types of skilled labor; determining the extent of shortage in unskilled labor in construction projects; distinguishing labor shortage risk; comparing the degree of skilled labor in constructions; and, to propose a long-term solution to minimize labor shortage in either public or private construction sites. As the study concluded, the findings revealed that there is a labor shortage in terms of skilled and unskilled labor on building sites in Central and Northern Aurora.


Construction workers, Labor shortage, Skilled labor, Construction projects


IRE Journals:
Jim Ryan T. Dela Peña , Jerick L. Tangson , Rick Donald Manzon , Christopher M. Ladignon , Noel T. Florencondia, Ph.D. "Labor Shortage Management in Construction Projects within Central and Northern Aurora" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 11 2024 Page 314-327

Jim Ryan T. Dela Peña , Jerick L. Tangson , Rick Donald Manzon , Christopher M. Ladignon , Noel T. Florencondia, Ph.D. "Labor Shortage Management in Construction Projects within Central and Northern Aurora" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(11)