Specific Mystical Beliefs and Practices That Are Still Being Practiced by the Maasai Community in Narok North Sub-County and Their Significance
  • Author(s): Nancy Purko ; Rispah Wepukhulu ; Margaret Nanjala Matisi
  • Paper ID: 1705786
  • Page: 307-313
  • Published Date: 14-05-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 11 May-2024

The Maasai community in Narok North Sub-County, Kenya, has a rich cultural heritage that includes various mystical beliefs and practices. Despite the influence of modernization and the adoption of Christianity, many of these beliefs and practices persist. This seminar paper aims to identify and describe the specific mystical beliefs and practices that are still being practiced by the Maasai community in Narok North Sub-County and to explore their significance to the community. The study employed a qualitative research design, utilizing ethnographic methods such as semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observation. A purposive sampling method was used to select 20 participants, including Maasai elders, traditional healers, and community members. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that the Maasai community in Narok North Sub-County still practices various mystical beliefs and practices, such as divination, traditional healing, and ancestor veneration. These practices were found to have significant cultural, social, and spiritual importance to the community, contributing to their sense of identity, social cohesion, and connection to their ancestral land. The study concludes that the persistence of these mystical beliefs and practices underscores their importance to the Maasai community and highlights the need for their preservation and promotion. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the Maasai community's cultural heritage and provide insights for policymakers and development practitioners working with indigenous communities in Kenya.


Mystical Beliefs and Practices


IRE Journals:
Nancy Purko , Rispah Wepukhulu , Margaret Nanjala Matisi "Specific Mystical Beliefs and Practices That Are Still Being Practiced by the Maasai Community in Narok North Sub-County and Their Significance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 11 2024 Page 307-313

Nancy Purko , Rispah Wepukhulu , Margaret Nanjala Matisi "Specific Mystical Beliefs and Practices That Are Still Being Practiced by the Maasai Community in Narok North Sub-County and Their Significance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(11)