The study aimed to determine if franchising business can alleviate the employment issues in Santa Cruz, Laguna. It was descriptive-correlational in design and involved the food and beverages franchising business in Santa Cruz, Laguna. Specifically, the researchers sought to answer the following objectives: (1) To determine the business profile of the franchise in terms of number of years in operation, firm size in terms of number of employees, and annual income, (2) To measure the extent of the following franchising benefits namely employment opportunities, programs and training, and traditional benefits in addressing employment issues namely unemployment, underemployment, and contractualization, (3) To determine if there is a significant relationship between the franchises’ business profile and employment issues in Santa Cruz, Laguna. The respondents were divided into two (2) groups: (1) food and beverages franchisees and (2) employees therein, where separate questionnaires were given. Corresponding to a total of 17 franchisees and 66 employees in Santa Cruz, Laguna. For franchisees, the total population sampling was utilized given that the population size was relatively small. Meanwhile, simple random sampling was used for employees of franchise businesses. The data collection was done by distributing modified and adapted questionnaires to the respondents. Frequency, percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation and chi-squared test were used to statistically treat the data. Majority of the franchises operate between 1 to 3 years, with 1 to 9 total number of employees, and an annual income of less than P250,000. Franchising benefits such as employment opportunities, programs and training, and traditional benefits has a large extent in addressing unemployment, underemployment, and contractualization issues in Santa Cruz, Laguna. Lastly, the statistical results revealed the significant correlation between franchising and employment issues considering the presence of franchising benefits leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
Franchising, Employment Issues, Number of Years in Operation, Firm size in terms of number of employees, Annual income, Employment Opportunities Programs and Training, Traditional Benefits, Unemployment, Underemployment, Contractualization
IRE Journals:
Bonto, Michelle B. , Villaluz, Laica A. , Dasmariñas, Hershey N.; Balaguer, Ajie R.; Bangloy, Abigael A. , Cambe, Charles B.; Magnaye, Rhesa Belle C.; Nuñez, Jolly A. , Romana, Gerlea C.; Tolentino, Jimmailah G.; Dr. Norayda M. Dimaculangan
"Franchising: A Response to Employment Issues in Santa Cruz, Laguna" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 11 2024 Page 92-100
Bonto, Michelle B. , Villaluz, Laica A. , Dasmariñas, Hershey N.; Balaguer, Ajie R.; Bangloy, Abigael A. , Cambe, Charles B.; Magnaye, Rhesa Belle C.; Nuñez, Jolly A. , Romana, Gerlea C.; Tolentino, Jimmailah G.; Dr. Norayda M. Dimaculangan
"Franchising: A Response to Employment Issues in Santa Cruz, Laguna" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(11)