The Influence of Experiential Learning and the Accounting Skills Development of BSAIS Students at Laguna University
  • Author(s): Ballesteros, Ronalyn L. ; Castillo, Lyca D.; Cortez, Hazel M. ; Danca, Chieska Star A.; Genil, Aian Dexter B. ; Hipona, Kim Carlo Q.; Perez, Besilva G. ; Pono, Kathleen Jewell M.; Robles, Miyuki; Tagle, Raven C.
  • Paper ID: 1705753
  • Page: 288-300
  • Published Date: 12-05-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 11 May-2024

This paper investigates and analyzes the influence of experiential learning on the development of accounting skills among students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information Systems (BSAIS) at Laguna University. Specifically this study aimed to determine the level of student’s engagement in the following experiential learning activities: case study analysis, mock financial statements, computer use, and internships. Likewise, it assessed the technical proficiency, critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. Then, finally determine the significant engagement in experiential learning activities and the accounting skills of BSAIS Students at Laguna University. On the other hand, strategic approach was devised for competency development of BSAIS students. Quantitative descriptive correlational research method was utilized in this study. Self-made survey questionnaire was used in gathering data from the 4th year BSAIS students during the academic year 2023-2024. Results of the study showed that the BSAIS students at Laguna University are highly engaged in the following experiential learning activities: internships, case study analysis, computer use and mock financial statements. Findings also depicted that the accounting skills of the BSAIS students improved through experiential learning activities injected in the teaching-learning process. Finally, the study finds that as student’s engagement level increases, the skills development also increases and when the students development level decreases the skills development also decreases. The implication of this study underscored the significance of experiential learning activities for fourth-year BSAIS students. This implied that experiential learning can enhance students’ practical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, ultimately better preparing them for the challenges they may face in their future careers.


Experiential Learning, Accounting Skills Development, Accounting Information System


IRE Journals:
Ballesteros, Ronalyn L. , Castillo, Lyca D.; Cortez, Hazel M. , Danca, Chieska Star A.; Genil, Aian Dexter B. , Hipona, Kim Carlo Q.; Perez, Besilva G. , Pono, Kathleen Jewell M.; Robles, Miyuki; Tagle, Raven C. "The Influence of Experiential Learning and the Accounting Skills Development of BSAIS Students at Laguna University" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 11 2024 Page 288-300

Ballesteros, Ronalyn L. , Castillo, Lyca D.; Cortez, Hazel M. , Danca, Chieska Star A.; Genil, Aian Dexter B. , Hipona, Kim Carlo Q.; Perez, Besilva G. , Pono, Kathleen Jewell M.; Robles, Miyuki; Tagle, Raven C. "The Influence of Experiential Learning and the Accounting Skills Development of BSAIS Students at Laguna University" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(11)