Proprietary Land Structure in Nigeria
  • Author(s): Nedolisa, Jennifer Ijeoma ; Dr. Alexander Nnamdi, Udobi
  • Paper ID: 1705716
  • Page: 227-234
  • Published Date: 29-04-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 10 April-2024

This paper examine the proprietary land structure in Nigeria which refers to the manner or system in which land is owned, a micro dimensional perspective of land tenure system. Ownership of land is the most comprehensive and complete relation that can exist of enjoyment, management and disposal over property. The proprietary land unit is for decision making in the national land honey-comb. Land reform is concerned with changing the institutional structure governing man’s relationship with the land, involving intervention in the prevailing pattern of land ownership, control and usage in order to change the structure of holdings, improve land productivity and broaden the distribution of benefits. Land is essential for every human activity on earth as it is the source of all material wealth. In order to regulate the ownership, use and development of land and land resources, nations the world over have instituted land ownership systems aimed at consistent balancing of the interests of the government, the land owning class and the landless class. The paper argues that land ownership structure in Nigeria has evolved over the years until 1978 when a single land policy document, otherwise known as the land Use Act of 1978 was established to harmonize and regulate land ownership in the country. The paper further contends that present land ownership system in Nigeria as enshrined in the Land Use Act of 1978 has socialist inclinations with excessive state control of land ownership, use and development. The paper concludes that such land system cannot effectively support private sector-driven enterprise and development initiatives as it creates too much bureaucracy in the documentation of land transactions, land registration and land titling. It recommends an urgent amendment of the nation’s land use Act to facilities access to land with ease for various purposes.


land; Proprietary Land unit; Proprietary Land structure, land ownership, Land system; Land Use Act; Land Reform; Nigeria.


IRE Journals:
Nedolisa, Jennifer Ijeoma , Dr. Alexander Nnamdi, Udobi "Proprietary Land Structure in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 227-234

Nedolisa, Jennifer Ijeoma , Dr. Alexander Nnamdi, Udobi "Proprietary Land Structure in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)