Psychological Impact of Tattoos: Review Article
  • Author(s): Dnyaneshwari S. Dhumal ; Shivani Patole
  • Paper ID: 1705712
  • Page: 189-192
  • Published Date: 26-04-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 10 April-2024

In today's world, tattoos are more and more common and are used to express oneself and create one's identity. This study investigates the psychological effects of tattoos, utilizing previous research to present a comprehensive summary of their effects on people's mental health. Studies reveal that tattoos may have both favorable and unfavorable psychological effects. Positive outcomes include increased self- worth and a feeling of empowerment. men’s and a better impression of Buddy. Negative impacts can include effects on people's mental health. Studies reveal that tattoos may have both favorable and unfavorable psychological effects. Positive outcomes include increased self- worth and a feeling of empowerment. men’s and a better impression of Buddy. Negative impacts can include dissemination and social stigma. and lament the poorly thought out tattoos.


Tattoos, Scar Transformation, Self-Acceptance


IRE Journals:
Dnyaneshwari S. Dhumal , Shivani Patole "Psychological Impact of Tattoos: Review Article" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 189-192

Dnyaneshwari S. Dhumal , Shivani Patole "Psychological Impact of Tattoos: Review Article" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)