Comparative Study of Dialect (Words) of Marathi in Konkan Region (Ratnagiri & Malvan)
  • Author(s): Omkar S. Tarfe ; Manjushri Bagul
  • Paper ID: 1705682
  • Page: 101-105
  • Published Date: 16-04-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 10 April-2024

This study investigates linguistic variations between the Ratnagiri and Malvan dialects, both prominent dialects spoken in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. Utilizing a comparative linguistic approach, the research examines word usage, pronunciation, and cultural influences shaping language in these two geographically close yet distinct communities. Through fieldwork, interviews, and analysis of linguistic data, this study aims to shed light on the unique linguistic features of each dialect, contributing to our understanding of regional language variation and cultural diversity within the Konkan region. The findings of this research have implications for language preservation efforts, sociolinguistics, and cultural studies in the Indian context.


Region of Konkani Marathi , Dialect of Malvan , Dialect of Ratnagiri , Social Linguistic


IRE Journals:
Omkar S. Tarfe , Manjushri Bagul "Comparative Study of Dialect (Words) of Marathi in Konkan Region (Ratnagiri & Malvan)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 101-105

Omkar S. Tarfe , Manjushri Bagul "Comparative Study of Dialect (Words) of Marathi in Konkan Region (Ratnagiri & Malvan)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)