Unlocking the Brain's Potential: A Journey through Neurotechnology's Innovations
  • Author(s): Sahil Husen Shaikh ; Prof. Dhanashri A. Gore
  • Paper ID: 1705627
  • Page: 243-247
  • Published Date: 28-03-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 9 March-2024

At the nexus of computer science, engineering, and neurology, the dynamic, transdisciplinary rules of neurotechnology provide a revolutionary knowledge of the intricate workings of the human brain. This abstract explores the wide area of neurotechnology and evaluates the significance of comprehending the finer points of behavior, mental processes, and neural circuitry. Neurotechnology makes previously unachievable studies into the inner workings and function of the brain possible by utilizing cutting-edge techniques including optics, brain imaging, and electrophysiological methodologies. Furthermore, by providing deep brain stimulation, brain-computer interfaces, and neuroscience as cutting-edge methods of neurological ailment diagnosis and treatment, it catalyzes revolutionary advances in healthcare. However, given how quickly neuroscience is advancing, there are significant ethical concerns, including those with mental health, privacy, and mental improvement and neuroenhancement


Neurotechnology, Neuroscience, Brain Research, Innovation, Neuroimaging, Brain-computer interfaces, Ethical considerations.


IRE Journals:
Sahil Husen Shaikh , Prof. Dhanashri A. Gore "Unlocking the Brain's Potential: A Journey through Neurotechnology's Innovations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 243-247

Sahil Husen Shaikh , Prof. Dhanashri A. Gore "Unlocking the Brain's Potential: A Journey through Neurotechnology's Innovations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)