-"Hearts of Love and Hope for Suffering Faces: A Manual for University Staff and Students" is a comprehensive guide that explores the themes of love, hope, and compassionate action in the context of supporting individuals facing various forms of suffering. This manual emphasizes the importance of doing good in a good way, highlighting its significance as a human act, a civil commitment, and an integral part of the mission of mankind. It digs into the realms of human and spiritual growth, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these dimensions in fostering empathy and compassion. The manual focuses on the specific challenges faced by individuals who are experiencing different forms of suffering. It addresses the needs of the depressed, the bereaved, victims of gender-based violence, AIDS victims, individuals affected by COVID-19, cancer patients, those suffering from heart diseases, individuals with Alzheimer's, and those nearing the end of life. By providing insights, strategies, and resources, the manual equips university staff and students with the tools to support and uplift these individuals during their difficult journeys."Hearts of Love and Hope for Suffering Faces" calls for a holistic approach to healing, recognizing both the human and spiritual dimensions of growth. It underscores the importance of fostering empathy, active listening, and understanding as essential elements in providing support to those who are suffering. By embracing love and hope, and by extending compassionate care to those in need, university staff and students can contribute to the well-being and resilience of individuals facing various forms of adversity.
Hearts of Love, Hope, Suffering Faces
IRE Journals:
Rev Fr. Dr. Leonard Juma Wafula
"Hearts of Love and Hope for Suffering Faces a Manual for University Staff and Students" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 187-203
Rev Fr. Dr. Leonard Juma Wafula
"Hearts of Love and Hope for Suffering Faces a Manual for University Staff and Students" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)