Properties of Polyaniline/Activated Carbon Composite for High-Performance Applications in Batteries
  • Author(s): Prof. Obidiegwu Martins ; Ugwuegbu D. C ; Ugwuegbu C. V ; Ewurum Tennison Ifechukwu
  • Paper ID: 1705589
  • Page: 112-117
  • Published Date: 13-03-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 9 March-2024

The study, Properties of polyaniline/activated carbon composite for high performance applications in batteries was successfully investigated. Results/findings, showed that sample I (700? and ratio of 25g: 1g) had the highest conductivity. This suggested that Polyaniline is one of the conductive materials that can increase the electrical conductivity in batteries and also activated carbon could be produced from coconut shells and it had electrical conductivity value of 2.36×10^(-8) ± 5.39×10^(-10) ms/cm. Also, the value of the electrical conductivity of Polyaniline/activated carbon from this study lies in the area of the electrical conductivity value of the semiconductor material, which is at a value of 10-8 ms/cm to 103 ms/cm. Hence, Polyaniline/activated carbon has the potential to be used as conductive material in batteries. The researchers suggested the following recommendations: Use of Polyaniline/ activated carbon might increase electrical conductivity of cell batteries through proper carbonization, activation and synthesis, the use of potassium carbonate KHCO3 as activation reagent is more environmentally friendly instead of the common KOH which is very corrosive and poses some environmental concerns, Polyaniline should be used for high performance batteries that demands environmental safety and reliability, etc.


Activated carbon, Polyaniline, Batteries, Electrical conductivity, Reagent


IRE Journals:
Prof. Obidiegwu Martins , Ugwuegbu D. C , Ugwuegbu C. V , Ewurum Tennison Ifechukwu "Properties of Polyaniline/Activated Carbon Composite for High-Performance Applications in Batteries" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 112-117

Prof. Obidiegwu Martins , Ugwuegbu D. C , Ugwuegbu C. V , Ewurum Tennison Ifechukwu "Properties of Polyaniline/Activated Carbon Composite for High-Performance Applications in Batteries" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)