African Yam Beans: A Therapy for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)
  • Author(s): Udoh Mfoniso ; Opara D C ; Archibong Daniel
  • Paper ID: 1705577
  • Page: 118-123
  • Published Date: 14-03-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 9 March-2024

This study was aimed at developing African yam beans seed as a primary local food source in the formulation of therapeutic meals and assessing its effect in the management of high blood sugar levels in patients with Type 11 Diabetes Mellitus. The African Yam Beans (AYB) was prepared into flour and its proximate composition was determined using standard methods. The results of the proximate composition showed a significant difference when compared to those of corn flour used as control. High mean protein value of (13.35), lower mean carbohydrate values of (54.78 ±0.03) and a lower fatty acid profile of (1.95 ±0.01) as well as Saponin value of 1.72+/-0.01. The results of the proximate composition and phytochemical analysis are factors presumed to be favorable values in therapeutic meals adopted in the management of Diabetes Mellitus Twelve (12) diabetic patients(32-63years) were involved in the study. The patients were feed with 155gms of Moi Moi prepared from AYB flour as breakfast for 5 consecutive days. Fasting blood sugar and Random blood sugar were determined before and after feeding. The mean random blood sugar level of the patients decreased from 137.26mgd/L to 129.60mg/dL after feeding for five days. Furthermore, the evaluation of the glycemic index of AYB flour (54.78) also revealed lower glycemic index values compared to that of control flour (corn flour = 62.22). In conclusion, the qualifying attributes of lower glycemic index. slower digestibility, slower absorption rate and lower mean fatty acid profile of AYB, suggestively provide a predictive clue for the downward trend of the random blood sugar response curve. This supports the proposition that meals prepared using AYB flour as the primary ingredient could prove effective towards the management of diabetic health conditions.


Diabetes, African yam beans, Diabetic patients, Therapeutic meals.


IRE Journals:
Udoh Mfoniso , Opara D C , Archibong Daniel "African Yam Beans: A Therapy for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 118-123

Udoh Mfoniso , Opara D C , Archibong Daniel "African Yam Beans: A Therapy for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)