This research was undertaken among the Grade 7 students in Dominador Narido High School located in Taisan, Basud, Camarines Norte. It aimed at describing the correlation between the demographic profile, level of reading comprehension skills and academic performance of the students. The result of this study was utilized as basis in identifying the possible intervention strategies that may be formulated to improve the level of reading comprehension skills and academic performance of Grade 7 students. This study used descriptive correlational method research to attain the purpose of the researcher. The composition of the reading comprehension results according to literal, inferential, and critical comprehension was also considered as basis for the formulation of intervention strategy to improve the reading comprehension skills of the students. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents are male aged 13 to 14 years old. Almost half of the respondents belong to families whose monthly income is Php 1,000-5,000. There are a greater number of respondents who are residing below 1 kilometer from the school. The degree of parental involvement is average which means that the parents are involved in their children’s reading development at least twice a week; 2) The level of reading comprehension of Grade 7 students in Dominador Narido High School along literal, inferential, and critical comprehension needs intervention; 3) The academic performance of Grade 7 students in English in Dominador Narido High School is fairly satisfactory as the majority of the students obtain 75-79 General Weighted Average (GWA) in English subject for the first and second quarter of School Year 2022-2023; 4) The profiles of the respondents as to age, sex, household monthly income, distance from school, and parental involvement have no significant relationship with the reading comprehension level of the Grade 7 students; 5) The academic performance of the students and their reading comprehension level have a significant relationship; 6) Based on the data gathered, the crafted intervention plan will be proposed to the institution to address the issues in reading comprehension and improve the academic performance of the students.
Academic Performance, Correlation, Intervention, Reading Comprehension
IRE Journals:
Princess Ednalou P. Ramirez, MM , Rusty G. Abanto, PhD
"Correlates of Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 7 Students in Dominador Narido High School: Basis for Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 9 2024 Page 29-47
Princess Ednalou P. Ramirez, MM , Rusty G. Abanto, PhD
"Correlates of Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 7 Students in Dominador Narido High School: Basis for Intervention" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(9)