Personal branding is becoming a phenomenon among future graduates and professionals alike. Gorbatov et al (2019:1) suggests that it is due to the shift of career responsibility from organisations to employees, career transition, expanding new networks and advancement in AI, among other factors. With the rise in technology and the world becoming a global village, personal branding relies heavily on technology as a vehicle to convey imagery and related storytelling to the target audience (Gorbatov et al, 2019:2).
Personal Branding, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Systematic Literature Review, Literature Review
IRE Journals:
Charity Ilevbare-Adeniji
"Online Personal Branding Best Practices for Nigerian Graduates Seeking Careers in Digital Marketing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 8 2024 Page 275-282
Charity Ilevbare-Adeniji
"Online Personal Branding Best Practices for Nigerian Graduates Seeking Careers in Digital Marketing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(8)