This review paper delves into the world of method acting, a technique that has profoundly influenced the field of acting. It explores the historical evolution of method acting, its key principles, and the impact of method acting on actors, performances, and the broader world of entertainment. Through an analysis of influential acting theorists, famous method actors, and notable performances, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of method acting and its significance in the realm of performing arts.
Method acting; Acting techniques performance; Theory stanislavski method; Actor training emotional realism character; Development acting pedagogy; Theatrical practice role; Preparation psychological realism; Actor's craft; Authentic performance; Dramatic theory; Theatrical methodology
IRE Journals:
Priya Palanimurugan
"The Art of Method Acting a Comprehensive Review of Theory and Practice" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 8 2024 Page 156-165
Priya Palanimurugan
"The Art of Method Acting a Comprehensive Review of Theory and Practice" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(8)