The Impact of Technology on Cinematic Storytelling
  • Author(s): Priya Palanimurugan ; Vignesh Sivaprakasam ; Menaashe Pooja ; Sylvia Sherlin W
  • Paper ID: 1705488
  • Page: 138-146
  • Published Date: 08-02-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 8 February-2024

As an art form and storytelling tool, cinema has been shaped greatly by continuous technological advances throughout its history. This paper delves into the complex relationship between technology and cinematic storytelling, examining the evolution from the beginning of cinema to the modern digital age The analysis begins in time, examining how new technologies forms including sound, colour, special effects and digital cinematography not only affected storytelling but also redefined film language Technological advances have played a major role in transforming film techniques, from editing to sound systems and visual effects These changes have created new storytelling possibilities, enabling filmmakers to create complex stories and it has a huge impact. This paper examines the fusion of technology and storytelling, shedding light on how filmmakers have used technological tools to innovate and enhance their storytelling. The fundamental digital revolution ushered in a new era for film, giving filmmakers accessto more digital content and waysto express creativity Digital cinema blurred the line between fact and fiction, giving filmmakers ways to explore story of undiscovered territories. In addition to exploring creative opportunities, this paper is concerned with the ethical considerations and challenges posed by the marriage of technology and history, from issues of privacy to questions of successful representation The review presents a series of case studies, offering a critical examination of films that have used technology to reinterpret history, beginning with the opening.


IRE Journals:
Priya Palanimurugan , Vignesh Sivaprakasam , Menaashe Pooja , Sylvia Sherlin W "The Impact of Technology on Cinematic Storytelling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 8 2024 Page 138-146

Priya Palanimurugan , Vignesh Sivaprakasam , Menaashe Pooja , Sylvia Sherlin W "The Impact of Technology on Cinematic Storytelling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(8)