In three municipalities and one city in Pangasinan, the study examined the involvement of Municipal Social Workers (MSWs) in community health initiatives. Fifteen respondents were surveyed in each location. The majority of respondents were female, between the ages of 26 and 30, most of them had college degrees, and they worked predominantly as social welfare assistants or area managers. MSWs demonstrated moderate involvement in Reproductive Health, Family Planning, and PhilHealth Registration (ranging from 2.68 to 2.77), high engagement in Maternal and Child Health initiatives (3.51), and room for improvement in the Measles Immunization and Breastfeeding Awareness campaigns (2.33 and 2.43, respectively). Issues such as concerns about manpower (2.28), perceived overemployment (1.98), and the need for greater experience and seminars (2.30) were revealed by challenges identified with a weighted mean of 2.56 or less.By overcoming these issues, local health services could be delivered more comprehensively.
Awareness campaignss, Community, Maternal and Child Health initiatives, Municipalities Social Workers
IRE Journals:
Maria Teresa V. Calpito , Easter B. Belandres, PhD
"Involvement of Municipal Social Workers in the Local Health Programs" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 7 2024 Page 284-294
Maria Teresa V. Calpito , Easter B. Belandres, PhD
"Involvement of Municipal Social Workers in the Local Health Programs" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(7)