Affordable Mobile Application Camera System to Monitor Residential Societies Vehicle Activities
  • Author(s): Modupalli Dinesh ; D Sri Sai Pavan ; Dasari Mohan Reddy
  • Paper ID: 1705372
  • Page: 102-109
  • Published Date: 09-01-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 7 January-2024

In the landscape of residential societies in India, security concerns such as unauthorized vehicle parking and theft have become increasingly prevalent. Traditional solutions relying on expensive camera systems have proven impractical for widespread adoption due to cost constraints. This project introduces a groundbreaking and cost-effective mobile application camera system, leveraging the power of Dart and Flutter for mobile application development, and Firebase for robust backend services. The heart of the system lies in cutting-edge image processing algorithms, meticulously implemented to facilitate intelligent vehicle identification. Through a seamless user authentication process, residents can register their vehicles within the mobile application. The real-time image processing system classifies vehicles upon entry and exit, promptly notifying vehicle owners and security personnel via Firebase Cloud Messaging. The methodology employed for this project includes an extensive literature survey, delving into existing solutions, image processing algorithms, and the evaluation of affordable camera systems. The mobile application boasts an array of features, including user authentication, vehicle registration, camera integration, and a sophisticated notification system. The camera system setup is designed with cost effectiveness in mind, ensuring practicality for residential societies. This project stands as a testament to the practical and scalable nature of Dart, Flutter, and Firebase, providing a viable solution to the pressing security concerns faced by residential societies in India.


IRE Journals:
Modupalli Dinesh , D Sri Sai Pavan , Dasari Mohan Reddy "Affordable Mobile Application Camera System to Monitor Residential Societies Vehicle Activities" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 7 2024 Page 102-109

Modupalli Dinesh , D Sri Sai Pavan , Dasari Mohan Reddy "Affordable Mobile Application Camera System to Monitor Residential Societies Vehicle Activities" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(7)