Histological and Haematological Effects of Glyphosate to Juvenile of the African Catfish
  • Author(s): Raji, M. F ; Alabi, S. O ; Ibikunle, J. B ; Awe, A. S
  • Paper ID: 1705362
  • Page: 344-350
  • Published Date: 21-01-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 7 January-2024

Ultimately, the toxicity of glyphosate can result in serious health implication in human through the food chain and bioaccumulation. The short term exposure to herbicide glyphosate on Clarias gariepinus juveniles was evaluated using standard method that assess changes in fish behavior, mortality and histological analysis. The juvenile of the African catfish was exposed to varying acute concentration of glyphosate. The experiment was carried out on 40 Clarias gariepinus juvenile, averaging 31.93 ± 4.38cm standard length and body weight of 18.08 ± 0.98g, that were randomly selected and grouped into three replicates: The treatment was exposed 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 of Glyphosate concentrations for 96hrs. Fish exhibited some behavioral abnormalities such as hyperactivity, restlessness, loss of equilibrium and hemorrhage, hitting of tail against the wall of the holding medium and abnormal swimming. The herbicides caused mortality of fish depending on the concentration and duration of exposure to acute concentrations of the herbicide. The LC50 value for Glyphosate was 103.368 mg/L. Histological analysis of the fish organs examined revealed varying degrees of pathological alterations/degerations to the gills and kidney in the short term study. The results of the present study revealed that Glyphosate were found to be toxic to juveniles of Clarias gariepinus.


Acute Toxicity, Glyphosate, Clarias Gariepinus, Histology, LC50


IRE Journals:
Raji, M. F , Alabi, S. O , Ibikunle, J. B , Awe, A. S "Histological and Haematological Effects of Glyphosate to Juvenile of the African Catfish" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 7 2024 Page 344-350

Raji, M. F , Alabi, S. O , Ibikunle, J. B , Awe, A. S "Histological and Haematological Effects of Glyphosate to Juvenile of the African Catfish" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(7)