Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle with GSM SMS and Call Alert
  • Author(s): Jonah Apagu Wabba ; Felix Iheanacho Egbujo
  • Paper ID: 1705352
  • Page: 15-26
  • Published Date: 06-01-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 7 January-2024

The increased number of fire accidents recorded worldwide has led to an increased demand for systems and methods to help reduce this increase and ensure that lives and properties are protected from the dangers of fire incidents. An essential consideration in this regard is the ability to detect and extinguish fire incidents at early stages to prevent further damages and reduce fatalities; this has led to the increased use of technology in firefighting incidents for fire detection, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers. This project is aimed at the design and implementation of a robotic fire fighting vehicle that will automatically detect the presence of fire at a distance of at most 63cm in front of it and 50 cm behind it, automatically navigate to where the fire is, and extinguish the fire using a water pump system without human interference and while extinguishing the fire, it will send an SMS within 10 seconds of activating the pump and a call alert within 20 seconds of starting the pump to the owner of the property where it is deployed.


Fire-Fighting, Robotics, IoT, GSM


IRE Journals:
Jonah Apagu Wabba , Felix Iheanacho Egbujo "Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle with GSM SMS and Call Alert" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 7 2024 Page 15-26

Jonah Apagu Wabba , Felix Iheanacho Egbujo "Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle with GSM SMS and Call Alert" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(7)