Comparative Analysis of Medical Negligence Between Nigeria and The United States of America: Case Study, The State of Nigeria and Texas
  • Author(s): Dariyem Nanbam Kruslat ; Alu Ashezi David ; A. G. Yirvoms ; Maidawa Ezekiel Rigima ; Vincent Orifunmishe
  • Paper ID: 1705339
  • Page: 332-344
  • Published Date: 30-12-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 6 December-2023

The paper compared the medical negligence jurisprudence in Nigeria and United States of America with particular reference to the state of Texas. It was thereafter discovered that the medical negligence jurisprudence in Texas is robust, structured and well defined when compared to what is obtainable in Nigeria. The paper therefore recommended an overhaul of the Nigerian medical negligence jurisprudence and the adoption of Chapter 74 of the Texas Medical and Civil Remedies Code in terms of burden of proof, cap, medical evidence, pre-requirements for filing and statute of limitation. The authors used the doctrinal as well as comparative research method to achieve the aim of this research paper wherein both primary and secondary materials were consulted.


IRE Journals:
Dariyem Nanbam Kruslat , Alu Ashezi David , A. G. Yirvoms , Maidawa Ezekiel Rigima , Vincent Orifunmishe "Comparative Analysis of Medical Negligence Between Nigeria and The United States of America: Case Study, The State of Nigeria and Texas" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 6 2023 Page 332-344

Dariyem Nanbam Kruslat , Alu Ashezi David , A. G. Yirvoms , Maidawa Ezekiel Rigima , Vincent Orifunmishe "Comparative Analysis of Medical Negligence Between Nigeria and The United States of America: Case Study, The State of Nigeria and Texas" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(6)