The objective of this project is to enables customers/drivers to reserve a parking space. It is a system that assists individuals, businesses and organisations in managing their parking spaces. it allows the customers/drivers to view the parking status. This python project on Vehicle Parking Management System is mostly concerned with dealing with client parking details such as number and slot. The system also allows vehicle owners to enter information such as their contact information, vehicle number and vehicle category. However, after entering vehicle information, the system creates a reserve slot that lasts until the vehicle leaves. Therefore, the project aimed at solving such problems by designing a web-based system that will enable the customers/drivers to make a reservation.
IRE Journals:
Pallavi H P , Khushi , Chethanaa V
"Vehicle Parking Management System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 6 2023 Page 308-317
Pallavi H P , Khushi , Chethanaa V
"Vehicle Parking Management System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(6)