Facial Emotion Recognition of Human Species by Using Deep Learning Techniques
  • Author(s): Amit Kumar Pandey ; Dr. Santosh Singh ; Ankush Sushil Singh ; Ashwani Kumar Mishra
  • Paper ID: 1705299
  • Page: 147-152
  • Published Date: 14-12-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 6 December-2023

In this research paper, we delve into the realm of Human Facial Expression Recognition, a field critical for the advancement of computer vision and artificial intelligence. Our focus is on creating a robust Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model capable of accurately identifying diverse human facial expressions, including anger, happiness, neutrality, sadness, and surprise. We leverage the power of TensorFlow and Keras to develop and train our CNN model. Our dataset, carefully curated to encompass a wide range of expressions, undergoes preprocessing using image data generators. This process includes augmentation and normalization, enhancing the model's adaptability to various facial expressions. The architecture of our CNN involves multiple convolutional and pooling layers, concluding with densely connected layers designed for effective classification. Training employs the RMSprop optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss function. The model undergoes extensive training across multiple epochs, with evaluation conducted on both the training and validation datasets. Our project highlights the achieved accuracy on an independent test set, demonstrating the model's proficiency. Furthermore, we apply the trained model to predict facial expressions in new images, offering practical insights into its real-world application. This project contributes to the evolving field of computer vision by providing a sophisticated deep-learning solution for the automatic recognition of human facial expressions. The demonstrated accuracy on the test set underscores the model's potential relevance in areas such as emotion analysis and human-computer interaction.


Facial Expression Recognition, Convolution Neural Network, TensorFlow and Keras, Image Data Generators, Emotion Analysis.


IRE Journals:
Amit Kumar Pandey , Dr. Santosh Singh , Ankush Sushil Singh , Ashwani Kumar Mishra "Facial Emotion Recognition of Human Species by Using Deep Learning Techniques" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 6 2023 Page 147-152

Amit Kumar Pandey , Dr. Santosh Singh , Ankush Sushil Singh , Ashwani Kumar Mishra "Facial Emotion Recognition of Human Species by Using Deep Learning Techniques" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(6)